World Mental Health Day


October 10th is World Mental Health Day - a time to raise awareness about conditions like anxiety and depression that affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. This year's theme is mental health in the workplace.

We spoke with the health care professionals at Well Care Behavioral and Medical Clinic in Reno about what the effects are, and what we can do about it.

"It's easier to be an alcoholic or a drug abuser than to have mental health because people automatically go to 'they're crazy,'" says Lisa Leatham-Vancil, Director of Therapy & MCAT Services at The Well Care Group.

A private counseling session is the perfect place to get help for a mental health issue, but many of us don't seek help, even when we need it. A stigma still exists.

But the truth is, anxiety and depression are two of most common disorders to affect men, women and children ...this year, the World Health Organization is shining the light on workplace stress. The combination of a high pressure or negative environment plus problems we bring with us can affect our experience at work.

"And I think it's important to be understanding and mindful that your office-mate or somebody in the workplace is having some kind of an issue and to be understanding and patient with that person," says Lisa Rogers, MS, Director of Quality Compliance at the Well Care Group.

"There needs to be openness about talking about stress, depression, anxiety and being able to go to someone," says Leatham-Vancil.

Many employers in the U.S. offer that kind of help through something called the Employee Assistance Program or EAP …mental health and addiction services free of charge and confidential.

"And people need to know they can go there and it's not reported back to their employer" says Leatham-Vancil.

While different people display different symptoms when it comes to mental health disorders, there are some signs to be aware of in yourself or others.

"Some people might be anxious, some people may start to cry, some people may start to isolate," explains Rogers

"We all have stress; I think it depends on how we manage it. If we have a good support team around us that we can talk to," says Leatham-Vancil.